Re:Monster Wiki
Re:Monster Wiki

Day 532[]

Day 532 / 62nd day

As I ate my breakfast, I thought about what I would do today.

For now, I had gotten used to the body of the Black Goblin King.

Due to the change in reach, I can no longer make mistakes in time, and the risk of self-inflicted wounds has been reduced even if I use the horned dagger or the red spear.

If you're not looking to annihilate all of the enemies you encounter, and if you're looking to escape, you won't have too many problems getting back to the city.

If you just want to get out of here, you can ride the Ash Silver Wolf, which can also fly.

It is possible to run for a long time at a good speed, and if you move as you go, you will be able to reach the Madralen missionary capital in no time, and from there you can easily return to the Free Trade City of Sektliad, where the Ant Boys are.

However, I thought about it for a while and decided to work out a little more for the day.

This is because although I have a better understanding of my physical body, I still don't fully understand the abilities I have gained by becoming the Black Goblin King.

Although my physical abilities have been diminished by becoming a 【black Goblin king・Fallen Ancient Species】, I have gained several new abilities in return.

One of them is a feeling related to the 【Magic Power】that exists in this world.

It would be better to get used to it, so the first thing to do is to release the 【Magic Power】that is naturally generated in the body without using abilities onto the surface of the body and try out various operations.

The movement of the【Magic Power】is easy to understand because I can see it, and because of my experience with manipulating magic power generated by abilities, I was able to move it freely to some extent in a short time.

After that, he circulated it inside the body instead of on the surface, and found that it could be strengthened instantaneously or continuously by varying its intensity.

It seems that there are many uses for magic power.

However, it would be faster to go back to the city and gather more information, so we decided to stop once we were able to control it to some extent.

 And this will be the real deal this time, I'm going to try to use some abilities that are similar to abilities, but a little different species, now that I've become the 【Black Little Demon King, Fallen Ancient Species】. He said it was a useful and representative example of the kind of ability that we instinctively know when we concentrate, as if we were breathing or meditating.

 When you're not wearing any armor other than your biological armor, you can use 【King's Demon Nakedness Life Qi Kirameki】, which releases an aura that temporarily improves your physical abilities and attractiveness. When you have defeated a demon species of a lower rank than yourself and placed it under your command, you can command it efficiently and freely 【Demon King Authority】. The 【Black King's Family】 strengthens the beings under its control, and in return, it collects a portion of the experience gained by its subordinates to strengthen itself.  By consuming a large amount of magical power, 【Black Goblin King's Magical Rigid Body】 temporarily raises the overall physical ability such as strength, agility, and robustness.

 -- and more.

 I've been able to grasp a certain amount about the physical body by changing.  So today I spent the day training again to deepen my understanding of these newly acquired abilities.

While doing this and that through trial and error, I took a bite of a dungeon monster in between to fill my stomach.

I had used all of my abilities, and it seemed that my body, which was more exhausted than usual because of it, needed to be nourished more frequently.

I wonder if I need not only magic power but also physical and mental strength.

Well, I guess I'll get used to it as I go along.


“六十二日目 / 五■三■二■目”
















 そしてこれが今回の本命になるが、【黒小鬼王・堕天隗定種】となった事でアビリティに似た、しかし少し違う種族的な幾つかの能力を使ってみる。  まるで呼吸するように、瞑想するように集中すると本能的に分かるそんな能力の中で、有用そうで代表的なモノだと――

 生体防具以外の防具を装備していない時、一時的に身体能力や魅力などを向上させるオーラを放つ【王者の鬼裸命氣(キラメキ)】。  自身よりも格下の鬼種を打倒し、配下に置いた時に効率よく自由に指揮できる【鬼王権限】。  配下に置いた存在を強化し、代わりに配下が得る経験値の一部を徴収して自身を強化する【黒王眷属】。  魔力を大量に消費する事で一時的に膂力や俊敏性や頑健さなど、全体的な身体能力を飛躍的に上昇させる【小鬼王の魔練剛体】。


 変化して肉体についてある程度は把握できた。  だから今日一日はこれらの新しく得た能力について理解を深めるべく、再び訓練を行った。




