Re:Monster Wiki
Re:Monster Wiki

Day 538[]

Day 538 / 68th day

 I decided to do some paperwork in the morning today. I asked the antsy boys about the events that had taken place while I was away, and checked the documents, and it seemed that the business of the "Vermillion Wine Spear Company" was going well.

 Perhaps because it is a city of merchants, the demand for golem trucks that are deemed to be useful is steadily increasing. With the rapid growth of the company, more and more merchant companies are signing contracts with them, and all of their employees are busy moving around every day. Although they are busy working, their faces are more cheerful than before, probably because they now have work to concentrate on. There have been some hard times, but somehow we seem to be overcoming them.

 So business is going well, but we must not let our guard down. There are a lot of merchants here who have fought in the past, and if you are too proud, you might be outsmarted. So, when I looked through the request forms to see if there were any improvements, I found that many people wanted long-distance transportation.

 At the moment, we are still transporting mainly within cities due to poor road conditions and safety issues. Eventually, we plan to extend the service to more distant areas, but for now, it is only a future concept that we are considering. With little money, power, and connections, there are still many hurdles to overcome in order to build roads for golem trucks.

 However, with such a large number of requests, it may be possible to do it if we really work at it. If we can raise funds to build the roads, other merchants will be able to use the roads for their own purposes, and we'll have more opportunities to earn money by procuring materials, so we'll have more allies. However, it would still be too much of a gamble for us to take the lead.

 In the event that you're in a position to do so, it would be more practical to involve the Commerce Union, which controls the major flow of the 【Free Commerce City of Sectriad】, in a public project, even if it's just to maintain the roads and security, which are important for long-distance transportation. You can put the responsibility and the cost of the equipment on them, and we can be the initiators and secure a seat on the policy committee or something. Or, if we can get deep into the roots of the business, such as transporting goods, it will be possible to get into long-term interests.

 It is easier to secure a moderate position than to stand at the top and continuously make more than a moderate amount of money. It's easier to secure a moderate position and continue to make a good amount of money than to be at the top. The profits from participating are important, but if you also consider the hardships of withdrawing, this seems like a good idea.

 And so, once the policy was decided, all that was left was to move.

 For now, let's get in touch with "Glenvar O'Brea", one of the 【Seven Major Merchant Associations】 that make up the 【Union of Merchant Associations】, and is responsible for organizing the merchant associations that mainly deal in wood and minerals.  Although you can also contact the other 【Seven Major Merchant Associations】, in order to secure the building materials necessary for the maintenance of the city roads, you absolutely need to control this area first. It's usually difficult to get in touch with them, but luckily, in the case of Glenvar O'Brea, I know some people who might be able to act as intermediaries. I think I can make it less difficult than others.

 I'm going to be a little busy again tomorrow, but I'll try to solve the problems one by one. I finished the paperwork quickly and carefully, and in the evening I cooked for the employees who had come home after work. The ingredients for the meal were a variety of monsters and expensive vegetables, which they enjoyed very much. The main course was a black beef monster, which was so delicious that some of the employees were shouting for joy. Of course, we couldn't forget the alcohol.  We served the best Maze sake to everyone and nourished our spirits for tomorrow.

 After all, sake tastes good after a hard day's work.


 “六十八日目 / 五■三■八■目”  今日は朝から事務仕事をする事にした。  蟻人少年達に俺が不在の間の出来事を聞きながら書類を確認したところ、≪朱酒槍(ドランクランス)商会≫の事業は順調のようだ。

 商人の都市だからだろう、有用だと判断されたゴーレムトラックの需要は右肩上がりになっている。  急成長に伴い契約する商会も増え、従業員は皆日々忙しそうに動き回っている。  忙しく働いているが、今は集中できる仕事があるからか以前よりも明るい表情を浮かべるようになった。  辛い事もあったが、どうにか乗り越えられそうである。

 そんな訳で事業は順調だが、油断しては駄目だ。  生き馬の目を抜くような歴戦の商人が溢れているココでは驕れば出し抜かれるかもしれない。  だから改善点が無いかと要望書などに目を通すと、長距離輸送をして欲しいという声が多いようだ。

 今はまだ街道状況の悪さや安全性の問題などが理由で、都市内を中心に運搬している。  いずれはもっと遠方まで伸ばす予定だが、今は将来の構想として考えていた程度でしかない。  資金も権力も繋がりもまだまだ薄い現状では、ゴーレムトラックが通る街道の整備などを実現するには幾つもの大きなハードルがあるからだ。

 しかしこれほど要望の声の数が多いと、本気で動けばやり方次第でやれなくもないだろう。  街道を整備するのに出資を募れば、出来た街道は他の商人も有意義に使えるし、材料の調達などで稼ぐ機会は増えるから味方も増えるだろう。  だがそれでも俺達が先頭に立ってやるには賭けの要素が強すぎるのには変わりない。

 となると、まずは遠距離輸送で重要な街道整備や治安維持だけでも、≪自由商都セクトリアード≫の大きな流れを掌握している【商会連合】を巻き込んで公共事業にしてしまう方が現実的だろうか。  責任や設備代などは【商会連合】に押しつけ、俺達は発足人として政策委員会とかで議席を確保すればいい。  あるいは物資運搬など根っこに深く食い込めば、長期的な利権に食い込む事も十分可能だろう。

 頂点に立つよりも程々の地位を確保し、それなり以上の額を継続的に稼ぐ方が楽だ。  影が薄ければ怨みも買いにくいし、離脱する時も他に任せる事も出来るだろう。  参加する事で得られる利益も大事だが、撤退する時の苦難も合わせて考えればこれが良さそうだ。


 とりあえず【商会連合】を構成する【七大商会】の一つであり、主に木材や鉱物などを取り扱う商会の纏め役を担う≪グレンバー・オブレイア≫に接触しよう。  他の【七大商会】にも接触はするが、街道の整備に必要な建材を確保する為にも、まずここは絶対に抑えておく必要がある。  普通ならまず接触する事自体大変なのだが、運がいい事に≪グレンバー・オブレイア≫だと、仲介をしてくれそうな人員に心当たりもある。  他よりも難度は下げられそうだ。

 明日からまた少し忙しくなりそうだが、一つ一つ解決していこうと思う。  溜まった書類仕事を丁寧に素早く終わらせ、夕方には仕事を終えて帰って来た従業員達を出迎えるべく料理した。  料理の素材は様々なモンスターや高価な野菜などで、非常に喜んでくれた。  メインは黒牛モンスターの肉で、美味しさのあまり叫ぶ者も出た程である。  もちろん、酒も忘れてはならない。  極上の迷宮酒も皆に振舞い、明日の英気を養った。

