Dryad is a monster that always appear as beautiful women in an attempt to seduce males of intelligent species. They're true body however is the tree and their female body cannot leave until [Rank Up] into a Dryanne.
Dryad are one of the many kinds of Nymphs, born from long-lived trees that are hundreds of years old. They lodge inside these trees and they have a disadvantageous characteristic — when the tree they're lodging in dies, they will also die. In order to protect the tree they're lodging in, they use their abilities to inflict deadly curses upon anyone that tries to harm it. Consequently, lumberers who make a living by cutting trees think of them as pests.
If a male of an intelligent species such as a human or a werebeast appears before a dryad, they will be charmed and seduced by her beauty — dryads only have female bodies. But if the Dryad doesn't like the male, she'll just lock him up and eventually he'll be turned into nutrients for the tree.