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Game mechanics are constructs of rules or methods designed for interaction with the game state, thus providing gameplay.[1]

Status Effects[]

Status Effect is a modification to an unit status. Beneficial effects are referred to as buffs, and hindering effects are called debuffs.

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An unit can be afflicted by several status effects although it only displayed three icon above unit in the battle.

Each status effect has different value modifier, depend on skill that caused it. Although from the outside it has same Icon, but in the inside it doesn't has same effect. For example there is Poison effect that reduce higher amount of health per tick, or has longer duration. Status effect can be overridden with identical status effect. Latest applied status will override the previous (need confirmation). Some buff can be overridden by its counterpart status, for example ATK up with ATK down, DEF up with DEF down, etc. But can't be said with the opposite. Debuff can't be overridden with its counterpart, for example ATK down can't be overridden by applying ATK up. So debuff has higher priority than buff.

Status effects can be cured by certain skill, for example by SSR Seiji middle heal. But it only limited to several status effects, like: Poison, Sleep, Paralyze, Stun, Confuse, Silence, Seal, and Root. Usually people call those status effects as Crowd Control status effect, shortened to CC.


Heal is the act of restoring unit Health Points. Generally, heal doesn't depend on caster stats, instead it depend on target unit. Although there is several unit's heal that don't follow general rule.

General heal amount can be described by following formula:

HEAL AMOUNT = [Modifier] x Target MAX HP + [Modifier] x Target MAG

For example if a heal power stated like this: 20, 80 it means it will heal 20% x Target Max HP + 80% x Target MAG. If an unit has 5000 HP and 500 MAG then it'll be healed by 20% x 5000 + 80% x 500, resulted in 1400 healed HP.

This changes for healer units that appeared after, have higher unit number than, SEIJI (unit #951). They all heal using the target unit's HP but use their own MAG instead of the target's MAG. The exeption it RIRIMURA ENBERN (unit #956) which uses the target unit's MAG. 

So heal amount for majority of new healers can be computed by following formula:

HEAL AMOUNT = [Modifier] x Target MAX HP + [Modifier] x Own MAG

Passives and equipment that increase MAG do count towards healed amount, but active buffs don't.

There is some rule regarding unit to cast heal, although some of it still a speculation. Unit won't heal fully healed unit, there is some requirement threshold, if the health fall below the threshold then it will be healed. And there is also some priority, like unit prioritize to heal MC before other unit, although that other unit health is below MC health. It appears that the order of priority is MC > Enhancers > Healer > Mage/Soldier > Warrior. If all healable units, i.e. those that are not at full health, are the same, it will prioritze the one with the lowest current health, not the lowest percentage.


Passive skill is type of skill that doesn't need to be casted to be effective. Passive skill work on most game mode, except The Tower.

By target, passive can be divided into several types: passive that affect MC only, allies only, MC + allies, or enemies only. Several passive with same effect do stack, for example if you equip High Wizard and Royal praise (both of them increase MAG stats), the increased MAG will be greater.

There is some question whether in the Great War passive that stated only affect ally also affect MC or not. From experiment done by players the answer is yes. For example Exaltation of the bloodline although its target stated Ally (except yourself) but it's actually also increased MC physical skill.

Action Speed[]

Action speed is one of hidden stats of a unit. It determine the delay between unit action, the higher its value the faster unit can act. In the battle action speed can be observed from circle beside units health bar. Unit will begin to act when the circle fully filled up. After it finished the act then the circle will begin to fill again from zero. If represented in second then 100 action speed equals with one second.

In The Tower, action speed determines how many tiles an unit can move. If an unit has action speed of 70 then it can move up to seven tiles.

Action speed directly related to how often an unit act. But when counted towards how often an unit attack/use its skill then there is another thing that need to be considered, that is skill animation. The cycle is like this: Battle start -> circle begin fill itself -> circle full - unit act (either attack, cast heal, etc) -> skill animation played -> animation finished -> circle begin fill itself again, and so on. So unit that has high action speed doesn't always it act more often than unit with lower action speed, if it has slow attack/skill animation.


Defense is a stat what determines how much damage unit will take from physical attacks. Not hard to guess what the higher defense unit have means the lower physical damage he will recieve. (Dependency of damage from defense requires further testing)



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