First encountered on Day 226.
Snow Fairies are around 15 centimeters with thin wings made out of ice dancing around.
While they look humanoid, their body looks insect-like.
Their dancing is beautiful. Each time their wings move, ice flakes twirl down. The sunlight reflecting on it makes it glisten and brighten in a rainbow color.
The dancing snow fairies only appear in the Sternbild Kingdom during winter. It’s a type of monster that’s as vicious as it is lovely.
They’re nymphs of unparalleled beauty clothed in lovely dresses. Though as soon as someone tries to capture them to either admire or sell them, they counterattack when you least expect it.
They have the special characteristic to transform their entire body into ice by using a freezing ability and fully utilize their surroundings. While they’re small, their battle prowess is high because they get support from the environment.
However, they’ll ignore you as long as you don’t provoke them.
When being in an agressive position, they change their gentle smile into an expression of resentment as they fly into a nose dive.
They grip a thrusting sword formed out of pure ice in their hand and generated a countless amount of ice stakes, bigger than themselves, behind them.